At the onset of our engagement our team will meet with your team to understand your vision for a new transaction. This meeting will help us formulate our search parameters and hone in on the market areas which best meet your objectives.
Once we know the areas of interest we will conduct field research for each possible site. We conduct thorough market research and look at each site holistically so we can understand the competitive factors at play which make the site superior to other sites in the market.
Once we are in market we survey each prospective piece, assemblage, and lot line necessary to stitch together the right parcel for your project.
At this step in the process we will have preliminary conversations with the governing municipality and utility providers so we can ensure the product programming is aligned with the community’s development strategy for each specific site.
At this juncture we present our market findings in a comprehensive well developed package which will be marketable to your internal stakeholders and investor groups. This end product is the culmination of the combined efforts of our team and yours. Our objective at this point is to equip your team with all the pertinent information necessary to enter into contract on the land.